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Nirvana Paragliding

Instinct ergonomic throttle plastic without cruise control

Product Number: PG00045-V Bar Code:

Ergonomic throttle for Instinct paramotors. It is possible to install to older versions of Instinct as well. In such case you should order more parts see bellow. Attention - it is without cruise control!

USD 172.4 All prices Include VAT, Ex Works in Nirvana, Zlin, Czech Republic (Prices do not include Packaging, Transportation Charges, Transportation Insurance,Custom Fees or other local fees and charges or local V.A. taxes). Actual price will be sent from our authorized Nirvana dealer in your country.

Product detail

We would like to introduce brand new Instinct ergonomic throttle. From now on standardly assembled on each Instinct. It perfectly fits into your hand, handle is ergonomic and it is easy to controll the lever and buttons. STOP button is the silver one on the top – dust and water resistant. The START button is a small red button. The handle is hard enough to be broken because of new production technology. Magnetic throttle holder fix the handle in position which is comfortable for you. You can easily change the older throttle for new one – just to unplug the connectors, release the nut and fix the new throttle. When instaling to Instinct paramotor which had carbon version of the throttle before , then do not forget to order also additional parts you will for sure need! Plate under the carburetor Instinct 4/2016- PG01301, Carburettor relever PG00057, Carburettor Gasket PG00413 , Suction Membrane Gasket PG00702)

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