PK Solo
Solo is a pleasant and easy-to-use reflex paraglider for solo fun/XC flying with a paramotor or a light trike. It's design allows for safe gathering experience at thermalling. It is robust, stable and offers good lift. All parameters have been selected to maintain the right proportions of passive safety, performance, and ease & precision of steering. It will meet the expectations of both recreational and XC pilots.
Detail produktu
It is robust, stable and offers good lift. All parameters have been selected to maintain the right proportions of passive safety, performance, and ease & precision of steering. It will meet the expectations of both recreational and XC pilots. Solo provides security of the typical B-category wings level. During the start, Solo fills and gets up willingly, with no tendency to lag or overtake. The entire launch takes place over a relatively short distance, at low speeds. In turbulence, the wing behaves predictably and confidently, efficiently suppressing both lateral and front-rear swings. During landing approach, a relatively small pullon the brakes is enough to significantly reduce the speed and land gently.Dotaz na produkt
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