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Trvale zapnuto

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Nirvana Paragliding

Nirvana Instinct - model 2012

Stylish Instinct paramotors are yet another step closer to perfection. The 2012 model line includes a new design of protective stringing - rotary bayonets are replaced with insert strips which are easily inserted into the shell after assembly of the entire frame. The entire structure can be disassembled with a simple press of a button. 
The airbox is another new addition product. It is located at the top of the engine to ensure the best performance of existing solutions, it significantly reduces noise, eliminates freezing of the carburettor in the winter months and reduces the weight of the entire paramotor due to the carbon design. Above all, it looks great…
The 14 litre tank is fitted better and the fuel readout dial is “printed” directly on the wall of the tank – therefore it cannot be mechanically damaged. 
Also available is a new lightweight Lexx Light seat. The additional seat adapter for more comfortable seating is another pleasant addition.

More details here.

Nirvana Instinct - model 2012

