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Nirvana Paragliding

Glider Nirvana DriftAir 14

Product Number: P00639 Bar Code:

DriftAir is a safe paraglider for well-qualified pilots, aiming at active recreation or moderate level of competing. Most of all, the DriftAir is ideally suited for multi-canopies formation flying, requiring dynamic manoeuvering and spectacular acceleration. It is a solid vehicle for covering the ground, too.

from USD 5 820.8 All prices Include VAT, Ex Works in Nirvana, Zlin, Czech Republic (Prices do not include Packaging, Transportation Charges, Transportation Insurance,Custom Fees or other local fees and charges or local V.A. taxes). Actual price will be sent from our authorized Nirvana dealer in your country.

Product detail

DriftAir is a safe paraglider for well-qualified pilots, aiming at active recreation or moderate level of competing. Most of all, the DriftAir is ideally suited for multi-canopies formation flying, requiring dynamic manoeuvering and spectacular acceleration. It is a solid vehicle for covering the ground, too. And, with its agility it will prove great at slalom tasks, or just flying curves for pleasure. It launches flawlessly and easy, smoothly rising up. Does not stay behind, even with trimmers set at slow and nil wind. In flight it remains stable, while demonstrating intuitive steering, agility and effective lift. Reflex airfoil of DriftAir slightly varies depending on trim setting, yet the speed system can be safely used throughout entire trimmer range. When cutting through lift or turbulence the canopy stays over your head with only slight nicking, so it doesn’t require your constant attention. Exceptionally wide choice of DriftAir’s sizes – as many as 7! – will allow each pilot to find precisely his optimal weight range.

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