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Nirvana Paragliding

Lightweight zerowind sport jacket

Product Number: O-00181 Bar Code:

Lightweight zerowind jacket from three-layer material Zerowind Thermo. The jacket contains a regulable neckline, two side zipped pockets, to side zipped pockets, waterproof zips with protective caps on both sides. It also includes elastic wristbands, non-slip elastic in the waistband and reflective elements. Back part is made of Roubaix material for better ventilation. Made in the Czech Republic.

from USD 164.7
Price before: USD 184.1 All prices Include VAT, Ex Works in Nirvana, Zlin, Czech Republic (Prices do not include Packaging, Transportation Charges, Transportation Insurance,Custom Fees or other local fees and charges or local V.A. taxes). Actual price will be sent from our authorized Nirvana dealer in your country.

Product detail

ZEROWIND FINE material Three-layer material with a high resistance to wind and water while maintaining breathability and sweat permeability. Resistant to abrasion and soiling. Polyurethane membrane used has excellent parameters: water column - 8000 mm, breathability of 24,000 g/m/24hours. Composition: 94% polyester, 6% polyurethane. Weight: 235g/m2.

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